DPC for Employers
Why should employers purchase a DPC plan for their employees?
Low monthly fees with discounted plans available for enrolling 6+ members.
Convenient access - text, phone, email, telehealth.
Same or next day appointments rather than 3-4 months out so illnesses are taken care of right away.
Urgent care visits, including procedures, are covered, resulting in fewer missed days from work.
Comprehensive primary care services, sufficient for up to 70% of healthcare needs
Reduce worker's compensation costs by treating some injuries (i.e. cat/ dog bites, needlestick injuries, stitches), reducing the number of claims filed, resulting in decreased premium costs.
DOT and most Pre-employment exams included (with 3+ months membership)
Book a free consultation with Dr. Ma to learn more about how NSDPC can help you and your employees!
Will employees still need health insurance?
DPC is not the same as insurance and will not cover hospitalizations, specialist visits, emergency visits, etc. However, since patients have convenient and ready access to the doctor, many health problems will not escalate, so DPC can prevent emergency room visits and hospitalizations.
DPC for employees goes well with a high deductible health plan (with a more affordable monthly premium) that can serve as insurance for true emergencies. Another option is to have DPC in conjunction with a medical cost sharing plan, such as Christian Healthshare Ministries, Zion Health, and Sedara. Some cost sharing plans will offer discounts for DPC members.
DPC is also a perfect part of a wrap-around, self-funded insurance plan where you'd see savings right away - savings on copays, procedure fees, wholesale medicines, labs, imaging, pathology & decreased ER/Urgent care usage.
Book a free consultation with Dr. Ma to learn more about how NSDPC can save you money!
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